In my sculptural works I have been captivated by the notion of Insanity. Through exploring insanity, I aimed to explore notions of hallucination, love and fear. Initially, I only wanted to capture the abnormal psychological perspective of people with psychosis, but through research I found a much greater picture in relevance to insanity. Insanity is the inability to differentiate reality from fantasy. It may be perceived as a way of thinking, or a way of thinking seen as ‘unhealthy’ to most. I wanted to focus on the contradictory relationship between darkness and lunacy yet beauty imbedded in an abstract mind. Whenever someone thinks about the idea of insanity we automatically conjure a dark, raw and unhealthy mentality. I planned on exploring the hidden beauty and creativity that can lie beneath the surface. Though the harmful and psychotic lunacy may be somewhat true in relevance to disorders, insanity I also seen frequently in society, however undetected due to its’ ‘normality’. This can be seen in something like ‘love’. I want to explore and unbind their stereotypical perception of insanity in comparison to socially accepted factors of insanity.